The Rick Amato Show on KCBQ is rapidly becoming known as the place to tune in to hear intimate, frank conversations with leaders from all walks of life.
Join me this Saturday March 2nd from 4:00pm-6:00pm PST on 1170AM KCBQ.
My guest in hour #1 is Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth. Hayworth has become one of the most sought after radio and TV guests in Congress. He frequently appears on Hannnity & Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show and Imus in the Morning. We will discuss his new book on border security and terrorism: Whatever It Takes.
My guest in hour #2 is nationally syndicated radio talk show host Michael Medved. Medved has lived a fascinating life including, working on the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy (and witnessing his assassination), working on the election of Ronald Reagan, and working as a film critic with Roger Ebert. On his daily talk show Medved is very blunt and vocal about his distaste for the Muslim religion.
Join me this Saturday March 2nd from 4:00-6:00 PST on 1170AM KCBQ .
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Podcast coming soon!
I'll see YOU on the radio,
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Posted by: znqr lkqmpy | January 26, 2009 at 12:02 AM