Plans are in motion to broadcast my upcoming Saturday show (8-26-06) LIVE from the main gate entrance at Camp Pendleton. I say “in motion” because everything is pending our ability to get a wireless connection between CP and the KCBQ studios. The engineers will be testing everything tomorrow and we should have an answer by noon PST. We are all optimistic.
This will make The Rick Amato Show as the only radio talk show in America to broadcast live from Camp Pendleton during the “Pendleton 8” debacle.
My goal is to further raise the profile of the plight of the imprisoned marines and to counter the presumed-guilty rhetoric of John Murtha (D-PA) and The New York Times.
I believe most Americans are mis-informed as to the situation. With the busy lives we live today if you ask most people what they know about the “Pendleton 8” you are likely to hear an answer like: “didn't some marines do something wrong in Iraq and now there’s going to be a trial? ”.
Contributing to the presumption of guilt, is the fact that conservative lawmakers have been painfully silent on the issue. A scenario to die for, for any overly ambitious prosecutor worth his or her salt.
I will be extending guest invitations to all the local republican congressmen, Oceanside city council members and a few national names who I will reveal later in the week….and ‘yes’ even John Murtha himself! Of course family members and defense attorneys of the imprisoned marines will also be invited to join us on the show.
Given the amount of positive media coverage last week of my brief visit to CP, I am hopeful Saturday’s coverage will be strong.