There is an excellant article by written Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough in the September 15th edition of The Washington Times.
The article points out that the number of military lawyers is now at an all time high, 10% larger than it was after the cold war.
The article explains a disturbing trend inherint to almost all beuaracracies: justification for for job promotion. The three senior JAGs for the Army, Navy and Air Force, known as TJAGs, want three-star rank similar to the surgeons general of the services. But they need a larger corps of military lawyers to justify the boost in rank, it has been reported. Legislation to increase the three-star rank was proposed this year but failed from lack of Pentagon support.
Click here to read their article in it's entirety . It helps to explain the landscape those serving in the military are dealing with, including The Pendleton8 .