For the past several months I have been receiving audience email and voice mail messages that have a common and recurring theme: common sense. I'm humbled to write that people are saying The Rick Amato Show is all about common sense. The content, the opinions, the guests.
Common sense of course is a good thing and it seems to be in mighty short supply these days. Whether it's about Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Campeon being sentenced to eleven year prison terms for shooting a convicted drug felon in the buttocks while crossing the border illegally....or about a group of young marines being shackled, chained and locked in solitary confinement at Camp Pendleton before ever having charges brought against them...we seem to be living in a world lacking in common sense. At the same time government bureaucracies grow more pervasive, Big Monied special interest groups grow more influential and working middle-class Americans become less represented.
Common sense can be a powerful thing. It was after all the Common Sense pamphlet by Thomas Paine which led to popular support of the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson, so impressed with the Common Sense pamphlet took ideas from the publication when writing the Declaration of Independence.
So because of you...your feedback... your comments and opinion I am embracing common sense as an identity for The Rick Amato Show. Our new tag line for the show is now "Common Sense With Rick Amato".
I thank you for your genuine interest and support.