The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper (California) purports to have obtained a confidential internal memo of Homeland Security Inspector General Richard Skinner that contradicts material statements and positions of the prosecution and Dpt. of Homeland Security in the case of Border Patrol Agents Jose Ramos and Ignacio Compean.
These are very disturbing implications in that it indicates the Homeland Security may have been been lying to Congress. Click here to read the article written by Sara Carter.
This only concludes that the government is not serious about securing our borders. When terrorists again do something, they will be the first to complain that something has to be done. But they don't want anyone's feelings hurt.
Posted by: John McCabe | January 31, 2007 at 11:07 AM
It is obvious that there is more to this story than being reported by the media or the prosecutor. These agents should be released immediately! The fact that a known drug dealer is given immunity, a green card, cash and who knows what else to testify against our agents is beyond comprehension.
Also, it is reported in world net daily that there is no conclusive evidence that the drug dealer was even shot by one of the agent's guns. If they were convicted by a jury of 12, something must have been amiss in that courtroom!!!
Posted by: danny dill | January 31, 2007 at 08:01 AM