Republican presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter (CA) is adding a dose of common sense to a story that seems to make no sense. Yesterday Congressman Hunter introduced the Congressional Pardon for Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose' Campeon.
The legislation pardons convicted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Campeon who reported to prison yesterday to begin serving 11 and 12 year sentences respectively. Additionally- citing obvious safety reasons-Hunter requested that Ramos and Campeon be separated from the general prison population while serving their time.
After introducing the bill, Hunter sent an email stating that research indicates Congress has never enacted legislation purporting to grant an individual pardon. However, the email continued, The Supreme Court has not ruled on the constitutional authority of Congress to grant individual pardons. Hunter's staff is currently in the process of obtaining the text of pertinent House and Senate bills.
There seems to be a void of common sense and reasoning surrounding the case. If you are not familiar with the story, two Border Patrol Agents-Ramos and Campeon- have been sentenced to 11 years prison time for allegedly violating the civil rights of a convicted drug dealer named Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila of Mexico. They shot Aldrete-Davila in the buttocks after he illegally crossed the U.S./MX border in an area known for heavy drug trafficking. Adding insult to injury Aldrete-Davila is now suing the the US. government in the amount of $5 million for having his civil right violated.
This week White House press secretary Tony Snow displayed aloofness and indifference when asked if President Bush would be issuing a pardon. Meanwhile everyone I have spoken to is at a loss to explain why President Bush remains silent and allows the two to twist in the wind. Then late today, after Hunter's surprise announcement it appears the Administration went in to spin control mode when the President told the Associated Press "a pardon was possible".
Duncan Hunter is stepping forward to attempt to do do what it is the President should have done.
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