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Vince Payne

What an eloquently written statement. However, it is a shame that CBS has used the comments of a third-rate, waning radio personality, held him up as the poster boy for the consequences of being "demeaning" and gone beyond any level of reason in their self-promoting apology and reaction. I think that within the "culture that permits a certain level of objectionable expression that hurts and demeans a wide range of people" is another larger and much more powerfully persuasive group that every second of every day in every city in the USA and other countries around the globe spews their disrespect causing countless times more damage to others. That group is the "entertainment" industry. Leslie Moonves and CBS should show if they really mean what they say and take an introspective review of the "entertainment" that is their source of revenue. I'm sure if they were to look far enough they would find deeply upsetting and revulsing content that should be included in their house cleaning. My guess is they don't have the conviction. Because then their shareholders would be disappointed and outraged.

John A.

Free Speech is not free at the expense of morality...

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