The Rick Amato show is saddened by the recent tragedy at Virginia tech, our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected.
It is amazing how quickly the special interest groups and those with a self fulfilling agenda take center stage to turn a horrific event into their personal soapbox, overlooking the real story, that 32 innocent men and women have lost their lives, leaving countless grieving family members and friends, whose lives will be forever changed.
The media is filled with speculation and second guessing as to how the events could have been avoided or better handled. The special interest groups race to parade their causes, exploiting the lives lost; proclaiming gun control would have prevented the shootings or the contrasting view that armed students and security guards could have stopped it, better planning on the part of the school officials could have saved more lives, scapegoat the mental health professionals who had evaluated Cho Seung-Hui for not reporting his psychological problems, blaming the fact that the family had a hard life, that he was bullied, the professors for not reporting his disturbed writings, and blaming the police because he had two previous stalking cases – all just theories of those thinking their way could have prevented the casualty.
So who is right? While the timing is not, all these opinions make viable arguments; there are countless scenarios that could prevent such a disastrous event.
Conversely, think for a moment, of the precedence set by the courts, the government, the politically correct, and the media in trying to figure out which would best apply. I could go on and on to dispute all the special interest claims.
I’d rather advise a simpler solution: Respect yourself, respect your fellow man, it is not always about coming out in front, but using integrity, common-sense, moral standards, and having accountability - the attributes that are too often under-glamorized and overlooked.
Associate Producer, The Rick Amato Show